Evaluation of Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF) at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health (2013)

We partnered with Encompass to evaluate MHTF. We focused on developing a methodology to assess their research portfolio. We also conducted an organizational network analysis at the global and national levels to understand the functioning of global maternal health networks and the role of MHTF in providing leadership to support cross-national and global collaboration.

Countdown to 2015: Ethiopia Case Study (2013-2015)

We led the technical work and provided training to the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) to analyze the programs and policies, health care financing, coverage of major interventions and using Lives Saved Tool (LiST) to understand the pathways through which Ethiopia achieved MDG 4, a reduction in U-5 child mortality. Supporting EPHI and the MOH,[…]

Nutrition Upstream Case Studies using ONA in Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Philippines (2015)

We developed a qualitative and organizational network methodology, tools, surveys and conducted interviews based on 10 case studies in four countries in Asia. Our objective was to assess the positioning of different organizational players, including UNICEF and the role of networks in supporting the implementation of major nutrition upstream policies and programs.